Rating : ★★★★★
Allan was such a pleasure to work with. Not only do his photographs speak for themselves, but he kne w the temple (our locational shoot) like the back of his hand. Allan showed us great locations throu ghout the shoot, got excellent pictures of us at those locations around the temple, gave us wonderfu l ideas for poses, and even brought with him 2 beautiful bamboo umbrellas for us to use in a few pho tos! He was pivotal in helping me propose to my now fiance. We were able to discuss several areas around the temple that he believed to be the best spots, and even worked out a way to her face the o pposite way for a few photos, and when she turned around, there I was down on one knee. It. Was. Per fect. Thank you Allan, and thank you Yumeyakata for giving us such a fantastic way to show off one of our many memories of Japan!
Nicknam : Arakum
Came to the shop on : 4/11