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Kimonomachi Products Appeared in the Movie, "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War"


Being the talk of the town, the famous comic "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (かぐや様は告らせたい~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~)" is cinematized and released as of September 6! The actor and actresses such as Kanna Hashimoto (橋本環奈), Yuto Sano (佐野勇斗), and Rina Asakawa (浅川梨奈) appears in the film in kimono produced by Kimonomachi, an affiliated store of YUMEYAKATA.

Ms. Kanna Hashimoto wore our original Yutaka "Red Margaret".

Product code: 042528 Item name: Original Red Margaret

Product code: 044508 Item Name: Original Yukata Obi Belt Butterfly Navy Blue

Product code: 044945 Item name: Nibu-obijime 11 colors (yellow)

Product code: 044943 Item name: Obi flower accessory (Tsumami craft white)

Product code: 044624 Item name: Geta sandal Goldfish red

Mr. Yuto Sano wore Jinbei. Product code: 007248 Item name: Jinbei ↑

For, Ms. Rina Asakawa, the beautiful blue one↓

Product code: 036593     Item name: KIMONOMACHI Natsuiro bijin No.17 Shellfish

Item name: Original Yukata Obi Chidori (yellow)

Product code: 044945 Item name: Nibuhimo obijime 11 colors (Navy)

Product code: 044944 Item name: Obi accessory Margaret White

Product code: 044849 Item name: Geta sandal Strip pink

In the promotion video, Ms. Hashimoto revealed that the filming in summer Yukata in March was rather too cold and tough. However, all casts were saying that the movie is exciting that makes you want to see it over and over.

Aside from the pictures above, our products such as other Yukata and hair accessories appear in the film. Please go to theater and check our items.

Thank you very much for choosing us!

Please check our new line up at

Movie web page:



Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumeyakata │ Gojo Shop

〒600-8104 京都市下京区万寿寺町128     Access

128, Manjujicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Japan

Business Hours 10:00~17:30(entry by 4pm)

Closed on 31st Dec to 3rd Jan

Overseas Phone Line 075-354-9110

FAX 075-354-8506


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