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  • Akane Kibune

ROHM Illuminations 2017

The autumn foliage is almost over here in Kyoto, and now we are having the holiday season. The town of Kyoto becomes merrier and brighter, wrapped in Christmas atmosphere. Among the light-up events in this season, the "ROHM Illuminations" is in the largest scale in Kyoto and really worth to see.

The world of twinkling lights of eight hundred sixty thousands electric bulbs is now open to public. The wintry crisp night air makes the illuminations more sparkling.

Please visit the ROHM Illuminations in YUMEYAKATA's lovely Kimono (着物).

Date: Saturday, November 24-Monday, December 25

Time: 4:45pm-10:00pm

Free of charge



5 min from "Nishiohji Gojo", Kyoto city bus

Please click here to see the map.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade

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