This year is the 150th anniversary of Taiseihoukan (大政奉還, Restoration of Imperial Rule) of Japan, and also is a fun year for the late Tokugawa (徳川) period fans since the Taiga drama (大河ドラマ, a series of historical TV drama by NHK) "Sego don (せごどん, the nick name of Saigou Takamori)" was stared.
Regarding Saigo Takamori (西郷隆盛), the most significant spot in Kyoto can be the monument of the site of Satsuma Hantei (薩摩藩邸跡碑). The Haitei existed within the area of Imadegawa Campus of Doshisha University today, having the area of approx. 20,000 square meters which equals to the two thirds of the campus. They say there were nine decent old Japanese style buildings and many DOZOHs (storehouses made of clay walls) on the premises.
I cannot help imagining that this place must have been flourished with so many young SAMURAIs with full of ambition and dreams toward the new dawn of Japan long time ago. Please come visit here to check the place of the latest talk of the town!
Akane Kibune
SEGO-DON*: a nick name for Takamori Saigo, one of the most distinguished statesmen in the late Edo era
Satsuma**: one of DAIMYOs (feudal clan) in Japan, whose domain was in Kyusyu
Hantei***: the residence of the Daimyo and the clan
1 min on foot from IMADEGAWA, Subway
1 min on foot from Karasuma Imwadegawa, Kyoto city bus