Yumeyakata provided costumes for the Music video "Tomoshibi no Manimani (灯火のまにまに)" by Nao Toyama (東山奈央), an voice actress. The video was shoot for the new single of Nao Toyama, and was released on May 20th, 2018. The music is also used as the opening theme of TV cartoon "Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi (かくりよの宿飯)".

The band was created just for this music video. Everybody look very cool in Hakama (袴). The shoot took place at Kasama Inari shrine (笠間稲荷神社) and the outcome is very powerful!
Click here to see the official web page of Nao Toyama.
The product number of each members' costume is as follows.
Shamisen guitar: Y024-Y165 Dragons on white back ground + patterned Hakama Flute: G601 Chrysanthemum and bells on white back ground + Hakama with embroidary Piano:Y026-Y175 White x red, Chinese lion and peony Guitar: Y034-Y165 White x check pattern + patterned Hakama Drums: Y026-Y180 White x red, Chinese lion and peony