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  • Akane Kibune

Zodiac Ema* in Shimogamo Shrine

"Kamo Mioya Jinja (賀茂御祖神社)", also known as Shimogamo shrine (下鴨神社) is the oldest shrine in Kyoto.

Surrounded by the sacred forest called Tadasu no mori (糺の森), the shrine is designated as a world Heritage site of UNESCO. As you go across the forest, the main building in beautiful vermilion red appears.

The West and the East buildings where the deities of the shrine are settled, are also designated as the national treasure of Japan. The shrine has an enormous number of visitors and worshipers everyday.

By the way, did you enjoy your Hatsumode (初詣, the first visit of the year to a shrine) this year? If you are yet to visit anywhere, why don't to go to Shimogamo shrine. It's the nice to way to start your new year with a clean fresh air of the deep Tadasu no mori forest.

Akane Kibune

EMA*: votive wooden plate used for making a wish



3 mins on foot from Shimogamo Jinja Mae, Kyoto city bus


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