The Sagano (嵯峨野) district in Kyoto is very famous for autumn foliage viewing. Among the many places in Sagano, the most beautiful spot is Jojakkoji (常寂光寺) temple. In the Heian (平安) period, noble clans built their villas in this picturesque land, and enjoyed their graceful lives composing Tanka (短歌) poems. The Shigure-tei (時雨亭), a villa owned by Fujiwara Sadaie (藤原定家, the compiler of famous Ogura Hyakunin Issyu) is said to be existed around here.
In the season of autumn foliage, the temple gets crowded with many visitors. However, now it's so quiet here...This snowy scenery in silence is a gift from the nature. I think it's worth to see.
Akane Kibune
Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade
Jojakkoji Temple:
15 mins. on foot from Saga Arashiyama station, JR Sagano line
20 mins. on foot from Arashiyama station, Keifuku line

Photographed on January 25