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Camellia at Kurotani-san

Akane Kibune

The Konkai Komyou-ji (金戒光明寺), also known as Kurotani-san (くろ谷さん), is an old temple in Kyoto established by Honen Shonin (法然上人, the religious reformer and founder of the first independent branch of Japanese Pure Land Buddhism called Jōdo-shū).

In front of Eiun-in (永運院), one of the sub-temples in the premises, there is an enormous Tsubaki (椿, camellia) tree. When I visited there, the tree was in full bloom and it was very beautiful under the blue sky of March.

In Western flower language, red camellias stand for "a flame in my heart", and pink ones stand for "longing". In contrast, both are the symbol of "modest beauty" and "silent love" in Japan.

Camellia is a lovely flower and often used as motifs of Japanese textiles. Isn't it a nice idea to try YUMEYAKATA kimono (着物) and take pictures with camellia flowers in the background? Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certificate 1st Grade



10 mins. on foot from Oakazakimichi, Kyoto city bus



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