This year, the cherry blossom season has finished very quickly. It was all too soon just like in a blink of an eye, and we all felt somewhat sad about it. I even had to convince myself, "At least I enjoyed some view. Might as well wait until next year." I hope my readers were lucky enough to fully enjoy the season this year.
With regard to spring flowers, I also like the Renge (レンゲ, Milk Vetch) fields in the Kita-Sagano (北嵯峨野) district. It's almost like a pink carpet, and reminds me of memories of my childhood. We used to make pink crowns with the milk vetch flowers and put them on each other's head. After we got tired, we laid ourselves down on the field and looked up the blue sky. I guess many of you have the same experience.
The milk vetch fields tell us the arrival of spring. The flowers are so perrty just as much as the gorgeous cherry blossoms. They are truly beautiful.
Akane Kibune,
Kyoto Expert Certification 1st grade
10 mins. on foot from Daikakuji, Kyoto City bus
