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Kakitsubata, Rabbit-ear Iris at Ohtanosawa

Akane Kibune

Close to the Kamigamo Shrine (上賀茂神社), there is Ohta shrine (大田神社) which enshrines a god whose blessings are for longevity, healing illness, relationship, and performing arts. Since the Heian (平安) period, the shrine has been famous for the cluster of Kakitsubat (カキツバタ, Rabbit-ear Iris) on the premises, which is designated as a national treasure of Japan. Every year in this season, the beautiful purple flowers create a breathtaking view. Fujiwara Toshinari (藤原俊成), a Heian poet, the father of the famous poet Fujiwara no Teika (藤原定家), once has composed a famous poem about the flowers here. It's going to be the perfect season to see Kakitsubata flowers, which has been enchanting Japanese people's hearts since long long time ago.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Certificate 1st Grade


3 mins. from Kamigamo jinja mae, kyoto city bus




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