Eversince the Heian (平安) period, the Sagano (嵯峨野) district has been capturing many noblemens' heart with its beautiful scenery. There in the middle of the district, Daikaku ji (大覚寺) temple, the former Saga Imperial Palace (旧嵯峨御所), is located. The temple is filled with graceful atmosphere, and in the east side of the temple, the view of Osawa no ike (大沢池) pond is quietly spreading out. It is the oldest artificial landscape of greenery and a pond in Japan.
Through the ages, Japanese people has been fascinated by the charm of the moon reflected on the surface of the pond. When I visited there, lotus flowers were starting to bloom.
Admiring the lotus flowers in the rain, I thought about beauty of mature women. I hope one day I could be mature and elegant like these lotus flowers.
Akane Kibune
Kyoto Expert Certificate 1st Grade
Daikaku ji, Kyoto city bus
