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Feeling the Passion of Meiji Restoration

Akane Kibune

This year, we are welcoming the 150th anniversary of the tempestuous Meiji Restoration (明治維新). In Kyoto, many historical site of the incident do exist. Are you into Japanese premodern history too? If so, as a huge history buff, I would like to introduce you a limited time-offered round-trip ticket, which allows you to visit three famous old residence with enourmous historic value, namely, 1) Murin-an (無燐庵), 2) the Old Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa (旧下鴨三井別邸), and 3) the Former Retreat of Tomomi Iwakura (岩倉具視幽棲旧宅).

Firstly, Murin-an is the former villa of Yamagata Aritomo (山縣有朋), a Meiji (明治) politician, designed by the Ogawa Jihei VII. The buildings and the landscape represents the ultimate beauty of Japanese architecture.

Secondly, the Old Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa was owned by Mitsui clan which had rapidly developed into a plutocracy during the Edo (江戸) and the Meiji period, and is designated as an important cultural property of Japan. With every luxury imaginable, the beautiful buildings and the graceful garden are presenting their perfect harmony.

Lastly, the Former Retreat of Tomomi Iwakura is located at the outskirt of Kyoto called Iwakura. Visitors will be able to feel the footprints of Iwakura, who strongly survived the drastic current of Meiji restoration, and later flourished.

Please do not hesitate to try this rare opportunity, and if you go, please try Yukata (浴衣) by Yumeyakata. The Meiji period is hot!

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade


Ticket available from Friday, July 20 to Friday, August 31

Ticket includes:

-admission to three old mansions (expires on August 31,2018)

-original brochure

-a bottle of anti-heatstroke beverage



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