Sanbi (三尾) is a secluded village in the northern Kyoto surrounded by Mt. Takao (高雄), Mt. Makio (槙ノ尾), and Mt. Togano (栂ノ尾). The ancient temples on each mountain, such as Jingoji (神護寺), Kozanji (高山寺), and Saimyoji (西明寺), are also very famous. If you wish to take a small trip away from the city, Sanbi is very nice to visit.
Among those many must-see places at Sanbi, the autumn foliage at Jingoji temple is exceptional. The temple of Shingon (真言) sect was built by Wakeno Kiyomaro (和気清麻呂) before the Heian (平安) period, and is filled with many attractions other than the beautiful autumn leaves, such as the extraordinary rich nature on the vast premises, the national treasure of Yakushi Nyorai (薬師如来) statue, Kawarake-nage (かわらけ投げ, pottery throwing) for warding off evil, etc... The Kukai (空海), the most worshiped priest in Japan, once was the chief of this temple. It is literally the scared land of the Japanese Buddhism.
The wonderful view of Kiyotaki (清滝) fall is otherwise called Kinunkei (錦雲渓, the valley of golden cloud), and truly worth seeing. If you wish to experience a refreshing time, please try Jingoji temple.
Akane Kibune
Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade
20 mins. on foot from Yamashiro-Takao, JR Bus Takao-Keihoku line
20 mins. on foot from Takao, Kyoto city bus No.8
