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Memorial Event for Ryoma Sakamoto

Akane Kibune

In 1967, November 15, Ryoma Sakamoto (坂本龍馬) and his ally Nakaoka Shintaro (中岡慎太郎) were killed by a troop of assassinators at an inn called Ohumiya (近江屋), Kyoto. The true criminal, the sender of the assassinators, have not been identified yet till today, and the case is regarded as the biggest mystery of the Bakumatsu (幕末, from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji Restoration) history. Strange enough, Ryoma was killed on his birthday. He was only 33 and his ideal was yet to be realized.

Suya (酢屋), located at the Sanjo-Kiyamachi (三条木屋町) area, is a lumber dealer since 1721. Ryoma was staying at Suya until few days before the attack, since the head of Suya was his fervent supporter.

Today, Suya annually holds a Memorial event on November 15, and many zealous Ryoma fans from all over the nation visit Suya to commemorate Ryoma's great achievement. Ryoma still lives in the hearts of many of us.

Akane Kinube

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade


5 mins. on foot from Shiyakushomae station, Subway Tozai line

3 mins. on foot from Sanjo station, Keihan line




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