Shosei-en (渉成園) Garden, included in one of YUMEYAKATA's location photo program (, is a detached territory of Higashi Honganji (東本願寺) temple. Among Kyoto residents, the garden is more commonly known by the name "Kikoku-tei (枳殻邸, a house of trifoliate orange trees)".
The garden was landscaped by Iashikawa Jozan (石川丈山), a samurai commander/literary person in the Edo (江戸) era. In the vast premises of 8.7 acres donated by Tokugawa Iemitsu (徳川家光), the 3rd commander of the Tokugawa shogunate, Chashitsu (茶室, tea ceremony houses) and Shoin (書院, study halls) are beautifully laid out. Throughout the year, seasonal flowers please the eyes of the visitors.
Currently, the garden is holding a light up event at night. During the period, Shoin which is usually not open to the public is specially opened. Please visit Shosei-en and enjoy a wonderful autumn night very different from the everyday life.
Akane Kibune
Kyoto Expert Certificate 1st Grade
Tursday, November 15-Tuesday, November 27, 2018
5:00 pm-8:30pm (Door closed at 8:oopm)
500yen/adult 250/Students free/children
<YUMEYAKATA Photo Location Plan>
*During the light-up event, reservations for ”Shosei-en course” of Location Photo shoot cannot be accepted.
