If you wish to visit a nice spot for viewing autumn foliage, Eikado (永観堂) temple is the place to go.
Sujiwara Sekio (藤原関雄), a nobleman in the Heian (平安) era, once composed a poem about the beauty of tinted leaves of red and gold on the steep rock wall near the Mieido (御影堂, the hall dedicated to the founder) in the premises. The poem is included in Kokinwakashu (古今和歌集) and very famous.
With the 3000 of maple trees, the view is just magnificent. Especially at night, the trees are lit-up producing a land fantasy away from the everyday life. Please try YUMEYAKATA kimono, and visit there during your stay in Kyoto.
Akane Kibune
Kyoto Expert Certificate
3 mins. from Nanzenji Eikando michi, Kyoto city bus
8 mins. from Higashi-tennoh-cho, Kyoto city bus
