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Hiranoya, Ayu (Sweet-fish) Restaurant

Akane Kibune

The maple trees at the Sagano (嵯峨野) district has become deeply tinted.

Hiranoya (平野屋), located at the foot of torii (鳥居) gate of Atago shrine (愛宕神社), is an authentic restaurant whose specialty is Ayu (鮎, sweet-fish) cuisine. The restaurant's building with the straw-thatched roof, is four hundred years old, and pleases the visitors' eyes by its magnificence and the traditional beauty of Japanese old houses.

The dishes they serve vary based on the season. For instance, they serve excellent sweet-fish dishes in summer, and Matsutake (松茸) mushrooms and Yudofu (湯豆腐, Tofu hot pot) in winter and fall. The changes of the menu represents the refined tastes of Kyoto itself.

The district around Hiranoya is called Saga-Toriimoto (嵯峨鳥居本), and designated as the "Traditional architectures preservation district" of Japan.

The breeze down Mt. Atago is very refreshing. This year, I was lucky enough to enjoy both the maple leaves of fresh green in May, and of red and gold in November at this place. The autumn tints in Japan is so vivid and just breathtaking.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade


5 mins. on foot from Toriimoto, Kyoto bus



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