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Snowy Landscape in Kyoto

Akane KIbune

Last week, we had a snow.

In Kyoto, it's extremely COLD in winter, to the extent that you will feel as if your bones are frozen. One reason for this climate is the landscape. For Kyoto is a basin surrounded by mountains, the cold air stays at the bottom causing this severe low temperature.

But all in all, I love the winter in Kyoto. Nowadays we do not have a lot of snow as we once used to, but snowscapes in Kyoto are really worth to see. For we have less sightseers in this season, it's actually a nice time to visit Kyoto.

Here, we have some pictures of snowscapes in Kyoto. The first one is from the popular sightseeing spot "Arashiyama", very famous for cherry blossoms and autumn foliage. The second one is from Kyoto Imperial Gardens. The dog and the birds look happy in the snow.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade


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