On February 23, I went to Daigo-ji (醍醐寺) temple to see the event "Godairiki-san (五大力さん, five forceful Bodhisattvas)", officially called Godairiki Sonnin nohe (五大力尊仁王会).
Have you ever seen people hold a gigantic round-shaped rice cake in red and white on TV shows or news papers? It is an event with ancient history, held in order to dedicate prayers for national peace, happiness for everyone, and protection by five forceful Bodhisattvas.
On this day, the temple gets very crowded with many visitors, and the main attraction of strengh contest beings at the stage in the premises. Participants are all proud of their strengh, and challeage to hold up the gigantic Mochi (餅, rice cake). The weight of the 2 layered Mochi is: 150kg for men, 90kg for women. The duration decises the winner and the animated atomospher of the participants give the audience energy too.
Ganbatte (頑張って, hang in there)! Ato sukoshi (あと少し, getting close)! The venue is filled with cheers from the audience to the participants, who cannot hold up the Mochi at all, or the one whose expression is fierce just like Nioh-san (仁王さん, the two Deva kings )...
I spent a fine day under the blanket of the blue.
Akane Kibune
kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade
10 mins. on foor from Daigo station, Subway Tozai line
10mins. on foot from Rokujizo station, JR Nara line
Daigo-ji mae, Keihan bus
