Rokuson-noh Jinja (六孫王神社) near Toji temple (東寺), is a high-ranked shrine located at the birthplace of Seiwa Genji (清和源氏) clan. The deity here is Minamoto no Tsunemoto (源経基), and his father was the 6th boy of the emperor Seiwa. For that reason, the shrine got the name, "Roku (6) son (孫, grandchild)-noh (王, the king) shrine". It is just a small shrine but people say it was gigantic in the old days.
The shrine is also famous for clear spring water and cherry blossomes. If you would like to avoid the congestion of the famous cherry blossom sites, well, the shrine is the best spot to enjoy the gorgeous view of cherry blossoms.
After Somei-yoshino (ソメイヨシノ, a breed of cherry tree) is gone, Sato-zakura (サトザクラ, other breed of cherry tree) will be blooming. Please try YUMEYAKATA kimono and visit the shrine to see the wonderful scenery of flowers.
Akane Kibune
Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade
13 mins. on foot from Kyoto Station, JR
1 min. from Rokuson-noh shrine mae, Kyoto city bus
