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The 32th Second Hand Book Festival at Shinmogamo Shrine

Akane Kibune

Every year from August 11 to 16, the Shimogomo Noryo Furuhon Matsuri (下鴨納涼古本まつり, Second Hand Book Festival) is held in Tadasu no Mori (糺の森), the forest within the Shimogamo shrine (下鴨神社). The festival has become a very famous event in Kyoto where many people including overseas visitors enjoy exploring the market of more than eight hundred thousand books. The fresh cool air of the forest and pleasing breezes through the trees are also the good escape from the severe summer heat.

For book lovers, the festival can be an incredible opportunity to find good books. If you are lucky, you will be able to find the one you always wanted. There are many books of many categories, such as history books, comics, art books, and more, and some of them can be very hard to obtain. It's like a treasure hunting!

Nowadays, they say that people do not read books anymore. However, as far as I know that is not true. I forgot the time looking lor my favorite book, just like many other visitors did.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade


Shimogomo Jinja mae, Kyoto City bus

Tadasu no mori, Kyoto City bus



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