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Autumn Scenery in Kyoto

Akane Kibune

It's still hot everyday, but I found some hints of autumn when I took a walk the other day.

When I want to chill out, I visit the Sagano (嵯峨野) district. I saw rich rice plants were bending their head and swaying in the breeze. Along the path in the rice field, red Higanbana (彼岸花, spider lilies) were blooming. A herd of scarecrows were watching over the field.

Ever since the old times, spider lilies have never been everybody's favorite. But for me, they are beautiful and graceful, especially the white ones.

I also saw Fujibakama (藤袴, thoroughwort), one of Akino nanakusa (秋の七草, seven symbolic weeds in autumn), which has been enchanting people's heart for a long time by its pretty shape of lavender color.

A beautiful dragonfly was resting on a flower. How nice to have such a peace of mind on an autumn day.

Akane Kibune


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