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3D Maccha Latte Art at Cafe Saryo-Suisen

Akane Kibune

The autumn is deepening its color here in Kyoto. Now it's the best season for having a walk in Kimono!

As I speak with our customers daily, I noticed that trying Kyoto style sweets is one of the highlights during their travel.

In Kyoto, confections have been uniquely developed, partially because confections are particularly enjoyed at tea ceremonies at temples and tea ceremony schools located in kyoto. However, the biggest reason for the distinctive development is the beautiful scenery of Kyoto, reflecting the mystic transitions of four seasons which are considered to represent the beauty of Japan. In addition, along with Japanese history, the way of tea has been developed here in Kyoto too. With all these essence incorporated, confections have become one of our powerful culture today.

The other day, one of our staff members got deressed in Kimono and visited a cafe called Saryo-Suisen. As you see in the picture below, she enjoyed a cup of 3D Maccha Latte art. She says that she was rather relactant to destroy the art by drinking it. Looks like she had a great time!



Kyoto Kimono Rental Yumeyakata │ Gojo Shop

〒600-8104 京都市下京区万寿寺町128     Access

128, Manjujicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Japan

Business Hours 10:00~17:30(entry by 4pm)

Closed on 31st Dec to 3rd Jan

Overseas Phone Line 075-354-9110

FAX 075-354-8506


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