Shinsho Gokurakuji (真正極楽寺), better known as Shinnyodoh (真如堂), is a temple of Tendai (天台) sect Buddhism and was founded by St. Kaisan (戒算上人) in 984. I guess many of you might feel familiar about the temple by the famous television advertising by JR Tokai.
In the quiet premises, three temple buildings, such as Hondo (本堂, the main hall), Sanju no touh (三重塔, the three story tower) and Tacchu (塔頭, the sub temple building), are welcoming visitors. The deity here called Amida (阿弥陀) is said to be beneficial especially toward the prayers by female visitors. The Amida is also referred to as "Unazuki no mida (Nodding Buddha) and worshiped by many female believers.
From the back side of the Hondo, there is a magnificent view commanding the Higashiyama mountain range (東山連峰) and the Daimonji mountain (大文字山). In addition, many kinds of seasonal flowers are the delight of this temple too. I especially like to see the refreshing green maple leaves.
And of course, the biggest attraction of the temple is the autumn foliage, which is a little too famous...Please try YUMEYAKATA kimono and visit there to see the flaming scarlet maple leaves.
Akane Kibune
Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade