Yumeyakata sponsored kimono to Hey!Say!JUMP for the magazine "POPORO"(ポポロ) published on 1st Feb 2019.

As this is a special of New Year's, Hey! Say! Jay shared the time of eating rice cake and playing caruta(A card game in Japan).
Member Kota Yabu藪 宏太, Chinen Yuri知念 侑李, Daiki Arioka有岡 大貴 and Yuya Takagi高木 雄也 worn a white montsuki-hakama. Ryosuke Yamada山田 涼介, Hikari Yaotome八乙女 光, Yuto Nakajima中島 裕翔 and Kei Inoo伊野尾 慧worn a red montsuki-hakama.
