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OBANZAI (Traditional Kyoto Dishes)

Akane Kibune

The other day, I had a lunch at kyosaimi Nomura (京菜味のむら), a restaurant that serves Obanzai (おばんざい) dishes.

The term Obanzai was first used in a newspaper's column introducing home cuisine in Kyoto. Until the term became popular, those dishes were referred to as Okazu (おかず). Although Obanzai has become hip nowadays, it was not my favorite kind of meal. I was only a child, and dishes like "boiled vegetables" or "Okara (おから - boiled soy bean refuse)" were too boring. Today, the healthy benefits of Obanzai are widely appreciated worldwide. Having a lunch of such a selection of delicious dishes was wonderful. My grandma must have been very surprised if she was there with me. Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade

Kyosaimi NOMURA URL:




All year round

7:00 am~8:00 pm 


8 mins. on foot from Shijo Karasuma, Kyoto City bus

       OBANZAI set 800 yen (Tax included)




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