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Cheese Cake at Papa Jon's

Akane Kibune

The other day, I visited a cafe called "Papa Jon's" with Ms. Beniko, my colleague who is formally a Maiko (舞妓). This place is famous for the variety of New York style cheese cakes, and we had a good time.

Many of my readers might think that Kyoto people's' favorite food is Japanese cuisine, but in fact, the consumption of coffee and bread in Kyoto holds the first place in Japan. We actually love new things and things from overseas.

The cheese cakes we had were rich and delicious. In Kyoto, the trend of sweets are more and more developing and the number of nice confectionery stores is increasing. It's nice to take a break at one of those places during your stay in Kyoto.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Certificate 1st Grade Holder



5 mins on foot from Imadegawa station, Subway Karasuma line



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