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Yoshuji, Buddhist Vegetarian Restaurant, a Purveyor to Kurama Temple

Akane Kibune

Mt. Kurama (鞍馬山), where young Ushiwakamaru (牛若丸, later called Minamoto no Yoshitsune) spent his childhood, has a lot of mysterious folklore such as Tengu (天狗, long-nosed goblin) stories. Still today, Mt. Kurama is believed to be the guardian of northern border of Kyoto, and is also famous as a place which gives its visitors some special energy, a spiritual force that heals or refreshes.

In front of the Kurama temple (鞍馬寺), a Shojin-ryori (精進料理, vegetarian cuisine for monks) restaurant "Yoshuji (雍州路)" is located. Their traditional specialties are Goma-tofu (胡麻豆腐, sesame seed curd) and Buddhist vegetarian food which was brought to Japan along with Zen (禅) Buddhism long time ago.

The soothing taste of seasonal delicacies cooked with quality water of Kurama gave me a great time in summer.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certification 1st Grade



3 mins. on foot from Kurama station, Eizan line



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〒600-8104 京都市下京区万寿寺町128     Access

128, Manjujicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Japan

Business Hours 10:00~17:30(entry by 4pm)

Closed on 31st Dec to 3rd Jan

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