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Russian Cake at Murakami Kaishindo

Akane Kibune

Speaking of sweets in Kyoto, many of my readers might automatically imagine the combination of Maccha (抹茶, powdered green tea) and Wagashi (和菓子, Japanese traditional confection).

However, the consumption of coffee and bread in Kyoto is outstanding in Japan, and it is not a well known fact. Surprisingly, many Kyoto homes have bread for breakfast everyday rather than rice. Naturally, we have so many bakeries in town.

One of the Kyoto residents' favorite sweets is Ruassian Cake (ロシアケーキ) from Murakami Kaishindo (村上開進堂), the oldest confectionery in Kyoto since 1907.

Located at the intersection of the Teramachi (寺町) and the Nijo (二条) streets, with its front facing at the fashionable Teramachi street, the shop presents many kinds of delicious-looking sweets in the glass show case. Among all, lovely Russian cakes which tastes slightly softer than cookies, draw many visitors attentions. Please try this foodie Kyoto residents' recommendation.

With one bite, the scent of butter spreads in your mouth, and it brings you happiness. It is the elaborate work of the long established confectionery. Maybe, it is one of the representative sweets in Kyoto.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert Certificate 1st Gradeess:

6 mins. from Kawarachi Marutamachi, Kyoto City bus




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