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Tea House Enju

Akane Kibune

Kyoto is very famous for the production of tea leaves/powder since long time ago. Therefore, the culture of Chanoyu (茶の湯, the way of tea) has spreaded nationwide from here Kyoto. As it developed, accordingly the world of Wagashi (和菓子, Japanese confectionery) has grown more and more sophisticated. As you see in the pictures below, Wagashi expressing the transition of four seasons looks like an art.

The other day, I heard that a tea house called Enju (えん寿) in the Uzumasa (太秦) district serves good seasonal Wagashi, so I gave it a shot. All products there are homemade by a Wagashi master trained at a long established manufacturer. The showcase was filled with colorful Wagashi, such as pretty ones for specific occasions, for relaxing time, and for auspicious celebrations. As you see, everything about Wagashi is so delicate, including shapes, colors, names and tastes.

Among the sweets served there, I had the one called "kara Tachibana (唐たちばな)". I chose it because the pretty shape of a green leaf and a red berry on top were impressive.

Western cakes are wonderful, but at the same time, I love the mild sweetness and the prettiness of Wagashi.

Akane Kibune

Kyoto Expert certificate 1st Grade


Open: 11:00am - 6:00pm (Close every Wednesday)


4 mins. on foot from Katabirano-tsuji, Keifuku Kitano line

9 mins. on foot from Uzumasa-Koryuji eki, Keifuku Arashiyama line


Roasted Tea and Sweets set: 750 JPY~800 JPY


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